A Newport musician will be auctioning off memorabilia for charity.

Carl Bevan, drummer for the acclaimed 90s band 60 Ft Dolls, has collected a range of iconic items linked to leading Welsh rock icons and creatives.

The band was a vital component of the Cool Cymru era in Newport, a time that saw the city called "the new Seattle" in an article by the New York Times.

Now a celebrated landscape artist, Mr Bevan's exhibitions are known to sell out within mere minutes of opening.

His latest venture is ‘The Great Welsh Art / Rock and Roll Auction’. Initially planned to honour the memory of his mentor and friend, sculptor Dominic Gubb who died during their 2022 joint exhibition, the auction will now raise funds for two causes.

Proceeds will be split between the memorial fund set up at Dominic's former place of employment, Afon Taf High School, and Llamau - a dedicated charity supporting young people and women who are homeless.

Mr Bevan said: "I hope this whole event will be something unique, the people that have donated auction items have been extremely generous." 

"Huw Stephens is our auctioneer, and we have live entertainment.

"Dainton from Dirty Sanchez is allowing me to inflict some horrific pain on him in the name of charity.

"I have shamelessly hit up the greatest Welsh talent I could get to, to donate items and got an amazing collection of unique swag to auction off."

Coveted items up for grabs include Cerys Matthews’ iconic military jacket and signed CDs, signed 60 Ft Dolls canvas from a Jamie Hewlett video treatment, Skindred bundle including VIP tickets and signed sunglasses, and a signed vinyl box set bundle from the Manic Street Preachers. There is also a book signed by Slash.

Furthermore, the auction will host donor contributions in the form of props from His Dark Materials, and unique works of art from creatives such as Kevin Sinnot, John Langford, and Meinir Mathias, alongside Carl himself.

Fans can also expect live performances from musicians BOYO, Carwyn Ellis, Al Lewis, and Joe Kelly, and refreshments from the Flowerhorn taproom and Mr Croquewich.

This memorable auction is set to be held at the Flowerhorn Brewery, adjacent to his art studio in Cardiff.

Taking place on Saturday, May 18, the event will also be broadcast online through Easy Live Auction.

The event, kindly hosted and supported at no cost by easyliveauction.com, kicks off at 2pm.

An hour later, doors to Carl's new exhibition will open, presenting an entire year's effort of 12 original portraits of Cardiff and Newport.

Live music starts at 4.30pm with the auction happening at 6.30pm, livestreamed so that anyone, anywhere can make a bid.

More information and tickets can be found at Carl Bevan's website.